CBS Ignores Farrakhan’s ‘Death To America’ Chant In Iran, Whines About Sanctions

Louis Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam, an anti-Semite, a bigot, and an icon to many on the left. His close relationships with many Democratic politicians and liberal activists are almost always treated as a closely guarded secret by the liberal media. That effort to obfuscate Farrakhan was in full effect during Monday’s CBS Evening News report on Iranian sanctions as they ignored the anti-Semite’s chants of “death to America” and “death to Israel” while he was there on Sunday.

While CBS was whining about the U.S. reinstating the pre-nuclear deal sanctions on the radical regime, Fox News Channel’s Special Report was exposing Farrakhan. According to anchor Bret Baier….

>>> continue reading: CBS Ignores Farrakhan’s ‘Death To America’ Chant In Iran, Whines About Sanctions

Identity Politics Is America’s Anti-Semitism

The worst hasn’t happened, it’s coming.

When Robert Bowers walked through the door of the Tree of Life synagogue with murder on his mind, he was propelled by identity politics. As a white supremacist, his brand of identity politics is more politically incorrect than the ones that led Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March to support Louis Farrakhan, but it’s no more violent, racist or evil.

Before the massacre, the most recent high profile anti-Semitic attack had been carried out by a Muslim who was caught on video beating a Jewish man while shouting about, “Allah” and his hatred for Jews.

Another hate crime, also caught on video, was a violent assault with a baseball bat by a black man….

>>> continue reading: Identity Politics Is America’s Anti-Semitism

Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre: Obama Slams ‘Hateful Rhetoric’ — Did He Mean Trump’s, Or His Own?

Former President Barack Obama received praise for his response to the recent murder of 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Obama tweeted:

“We grieve for the Americans murdered in Pittsburgh. All of us have to fight the rise of anti-Semitism and hateful rhetoric against those who look, love, or pray differently.”

Many described Obama’s words as a powerful call for “unity.”

Meanwhile, leaders of Bend the Arc, a Pittsburgh Jewish advocacy group, said President Donald Trump is not welcome in their city until Trump “denounces white nationalism” — the white supremacist movement that many believe Trump is guilty of either supporting or at least providing aid and comfort….

>>> continue reading: Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre: Obama Slams ‘Hateful Rhetoric’ — Did He Mean Trump’s, Or His Own?

The Anti-Semitic Media Fights Anti-Semitism

Jew-haters exploit a massacre of Jews.

The fake news media has made it official.

Criticizing George Soros, an anti-Semite and alleged Nazi collaborator, is anti-Semitic. The Washington Post alone ran two dishonest screeds, “Conspiracy Theories about Soros Aren’t Just False, They’re Anti-Semitic” and “A Conspiracy Theory about George Soros and a Migrant Caravan Inspired Horror.”

The former comes from Talia Lavin, a former New Yorker fact checker who had to resign after falsely claimingthat a wheelchair bound ICE agent’s Afghanistan platoon tattoo was Nazi insignia. Seeing her potential for smearing people, Media Matters hired her as a “researcher” on “far-right extremism”.

What wasn’t good enough for the New Yorker was good enough for the Washington Post, which brought in a disgraced employee of Media Matters, an organization funded by George Soros, to accuse Soros critics of anti-Semitism. The Post did not see fit to inform readers of the fact that its pro-Soros screed was funded by a Soros group, only describing Lavin as “a writer and researcher based in Brooklyn”….

>>> continue reading: The Anti-Semitic Media Fights Anti-Semitism

Ben & Jerry’s ‘Comfortable’ With Women’s March Ties Farrakhan

With ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s announcement on Tuesday showcasing a new flavor to help support groups “fighting President Trump’s regressive agenda,” the company revealed that they recently partnered with the Women’s March organization.

“Women’s March is committed to harnessing the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change,” Ben & Jerry’s website states….

>>> continue reading: Ben & Jerry’s ‘Comfortable’ With Women’s March Ties Farrakhan

6 Thoughts On The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, Anti-Semitism, And President Trump

In the aftermath of the deadliest anti-Semitic shooting in American history in Pittsburgh on Saturday, the media have leapt to push the narrative that President Trump is somehow responsible. That’s a tough narrative to sell, given that the shooter was outspokenly anti-Trump – he was enraged at Trump for being too pro-Semitic, in fact. The shooter tweeted, “There is no #MAGA, as long as there is a kike infestation.” Trump has, in fact, been historically pro-Israel – by far the most pro-Israel president in American history – and has spoken in glowing terms about Jews and in harsh terms against anti-Semitism. His statement after the shooting was extraordinarily strong:

Anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features in human history. Anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.

This was far stronger than the tepid, milquetoast rhetoric of President Obama, who simply lumped in Jew-hatred with all other types of hatred, as though all hatreds are the same or spring from a similar place….

>>> continue reading: 6 Thoughts On The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, Anti-Semitism, And President Trump

From Pittsburgh To Fort Hood: Trump Versus Obama

Contrasting presidential responses to mass murder.

“This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil,” Trump said on Saturday. “This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age.”

That was President Trump, responding to the murder of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

“Our minds cannot comprehend the cruel hate and twisted malice that could cause a person to unleash such terrible violence,” the president said, “during a baby naming ceremony at a sacred house of worship on the holy day of Sabbath.” The president said “anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features in human history. Anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.”

Suspect Robert Bowers, 48, yelled “all Jews must die” as he fired, killing 11 and injuring six, including four police officers. FBI special agent Bob Jones said it was the “most horrific crime scene” he’s witnessed in 22 years. Swift action by police prevented many more casualties and police took Bowers into custody….

>>> continue reading: From Pittsburgh To Fort Hood: Trump Versus Obama

The Democrats Embrace Anti-Semitism

Liberals, Democrats, and the legacy media are forever prattling about how the “toxic rhetoric” of President Trump before and after his election has inspired a culture of violence expressed most recently (in their view) in the flurry of packages sent to leading Democrats containing amateur-night explosive devices some of which could only explode if you used a real explosive to set them off.

Words do have consequences and can inspire the unhinged, but nowhere in Trump’s rhetoric are urgings to build and deliver explosive devices to your political opponents, not even those who urge their followers to “get in the face” of Republicans in their congressional offices or favorite eateries….

>>> continue reading: The Democrats Embrace Anti-Semitism

The Anti-Semitism Is Coming From The Left

The mass murderer who opened fire on a Pittsburgh synogogue was an anti-Semite and a rabid Trump hater. Yet that hasn’t stopped the left from trying to pin the massacre on Trump as they pin all calamities. Never mind Trump’s kind words. Never mind the strong support of him from Israel. Never mind that his favorite daughter is an Orthodox Jew and his three grandchildren are Jewish as well. The desperate logic of Blaming Trump can be read here, here, and here.

And don’t forget this unbelievable (and still unapologized-for) tweet here, cited by Clarice Feldman in her column, not only pinning the evil on Trump but blaming the Jews for the attack as well, an amazing feat of disgustingness from the left….

>>> continue reading: The Anti-Semitism Is Coming From The Left