FBI Must Classify ANTIFA As A ‘Domestic Terror Group’

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Breitbart News Tonight Thursday evening that the FBI should classify Antifa as a “domestic terror group.” He offered his remarks in an interview with SiriusXM hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Kerik’s comments were made during a discussion of left-wing activists threatening and intimidating Tucker Carlson’s family on Wednesday night outside of the Carlson family’s home in Washington, D.C.

Kerik said, “In the most minimal definition of terrorism, it’s the unlawful use of violence and intimidation — especially against civilians — in pursuit of political aims. Antifa is a domestic terror group. I strongly believe that the FBI and the Department of Justice should classify them as such….”

>>> continue reading: FBI Must Classify ANTIFA As A ‘Domestic Terror Group’

‘Identity Is Everything’ For The Mainstream Media, Democrats

What are Dems are running on in midterms?

In his opening monologue Thursday, Tucker Carlson called out the mainstream media and Democrats for increasingly embracing identity politics.

He pointed to recent comments by MSNBC analysts Eddie Glaude and Mara Gay, in which they harshly blamed “white voters” for President Trump’s election, and CNN host Don Lemon’s remark Monday that right-wing white men are the “biggest terror threat to this country….”

>>> continue reading: ‘Identity Is Everything’ For The Mainstream Media, Democrats

Don Lemon: “The Biggest Terror Threat In This Country Is White Men, Most Of Them Radicalized On The Right”

Don Lemon smeared “white men” on Tuesday saying, “The biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most are radicalized to the right.”

Evidently, Don Lemon does not read CNN.
In September CNN released an article on US Terrorist Attacks.

Source: Don Lemon: “The Biggest Terror Threat In This Country Is White Men, Most Of Them Radicalized On The Right”

CNN Host Says He Doesn’t See Democrats Killing People Over Politics…Or This Is Why Your Network Sucks

Here’s another example of the elite media being the enemy of the people. Sorry, I don’t care if that makes some liberal writers upset. You people, suck. It’s almost as if the legions of liberals in America’s newsrooms were just waiting for some tragedy to occur in the hopes of pinning it on the president.

That’s what they’ve done with the recent whacko ex-stripper in Florida who mailed explosive devices to top Democrats and former presidents, or the anti-Semite who shot and killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. It’s all President Trump’s fault, and if it’s not his fault, the blame rests with conservative media. It’s insane. Even more insane is Don Lemon’s insufferably smug show on CNN, that no one watches, where he had the stones to say that he didn’t see Democrats killing over politics…?

>>> continue reading: CNN Host Says He Doesn’t See Democrats Killing People Over Politics…Or This Is Why Your Network Sucks

Black Trump Supporters Declare Independence From Democratic Party

Growing numbers of non-white conservatives and libertarians suggest Democrats might be losing their monopoly on the minority vote.

We live in a strange time, when black leaders and activists who work to bring independence, stability, and positive change to black communities across the country are labeled white supremacists.

This October, more than 300 young, black people will meet in Washington D.C. for the first-ever Young Black Leadership Summit (YBLS). This three-day event is sponsored by Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a right-wing youth activism group, and was orchestrated by the organization’s communications director, Candace Owens, and Brandon Tatum, the group’s urban engagement director….

>>> continue reading: Black Trump Supporters Declare Independence From Democratic Party

Backlash Against Kanye Shows The Left Sees ‘Free Speech As A Virus’

Tucker Carlson reacted to Democrats and media personalities bashing rapper Kanye West over his meeting with President Trump.

Carlson highlighted CNN anchor Don Lemon, who he said repeatedly called President Trump a racist, and who called West’s appearance a “minstrel show” in the Oval Office….

>>> continue reading: Backlash Against Kanye Shows The Left Sees ‘Free Speech As A Virus’

Media Blasts Kanye West For Oval Office Meeting

Commentators and anchors across the dial lit into rapper Kanye West for his Oval Office meeting on Thursday with President Donald Trump, calling him a “token Negro, “circus performer” and “minstrel,” and speculating about the fragility of his mental health.

West, who once infamously said President George W. Bush “doesn’t care about black people,” sported a “Make America Great Again” hat on Thursday as he effusively praised Trump in a meeting ostensibly about prison reform. In nearly 10 minutes of freewheeling remarks, West talked about Trump being a father figure, time not existing, feeling like Superman wearing the red hat, and more in a strange scene….

>>> continue reading: Media Blasts Kanye West For Oval Office Meeting

Liberal Media: Our Mobs Are Not Mobs, So Don’t Call Them Mobs

“Oh, you’re not going to use the mob word here”

As someone who attended and wrote about Tea Party protests in 2009 and 2010, it has been surreal to watch folks at CNN and MSNBC twist themselves into knots to defend the recent actions of the left.

I clearly remember Democrats and their media allies using words like “dangerous” and “mob” to describe people who obtained protest permits and cleaned up their own trash. Everything is different now.

Groups of angry leftists are hunting down Republicans and members of the Trump cabinet to harass in public places, clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court, and accosting members of the Senate in the halls of the Capitol building. But the folks at CNN and MSNBC are clutching their pearls at the suggestion that these are mobs.

Source: Liberal Media: Our Mobs Are Not Mobs, So Don’t Call Them Mobs

Tucker Confronts Liberal Media’s ‘Orwellian’ Newspeak For The Word ‘Mob’

Following the Senate’s confirmation vote to elevate Brett Kavanaugh to an associate justice of the Supreme Court, a radical pack of leftist protesters descended on the highest court in the land. Together, some scaled the statues while others clawed and banged on the historic building’s massive bronze doors. By all reasonable accounts, it was a raging mob but the liberal media despised that term. During Wednesday’s edition of his show, the Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson chastised the media for their nonsense.

Many Americans have read the classic George Orwell novel 1984 either for school or pleasure, and a key takeaway from the book was the use of something called “newspeak.” Newspeak was the authoritarian control of the language to the point where words had the opposite meaning: peace means war; truth means propaganda. Carlson basically contended that the liberal media’s obsession with denying the existence of the mob fell into this Orwellian model….

>>> continue reading: Tucker Confronts Liberal Media’s ‘Orwellian’ Newspeak For The Word ‘Mob’

Mental Health Professionals Denounce CNN And Don Lemon’s Show For Mocking And Stigmatizing Kanye West’s Hospitalization

ON MONDAY NIGHT, CNN host Don Lemon led a panel discussion with three CNN commentators as they gleefully heaped scorn on Kanye West for meeting with President Trump to discuss prison reform and for otherwise expressing support for the President (the video is below). Among other things, West was pilloried for being both ignorant and exploited. “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” CNN’s Bakari Sellers said. CNN’s Tara Setmayer pronounced him “the token Negro of the Trump administration.”

While those comments received some attention (only from conservative outlets, needless to say), the laughter-driven attacks on West for his well-publicized medical treatment for mental health issues were largely ignored. But those comments, broadcast in prime-time by CNN on television and then widely disseminated by the network on social media, were not just reprehensible, but genuinely dangerous….

>>> continue reading: Mental Health Professionals Denounce CNN And Don Lemon’s Show For Mocking And Stigmatizing Kanye West’s Hospitalization