Backlash Against Kanye Shows The Left Sees ‘Free Speech As A Virus’

Tucker Carlson reacted to Democrats and media personalities bashing rapper Kanye West over his meeting with President Trump.

Carlson highlighted CNN anchor Don Lemon, who he said repeatedly called President Trump a racist, and who called West’s appearance a “minstrel show” in the Oval Office….

>>> continue reading: Backlash Against Kanye Shows The Left Sees ‘Free Speech As A Virus’

Media Blasts Kanye West For Oval Office Meeting

Commentators and anchors across the dial lit into rapper Kanye West for his Oval Office meeting on Thursday with President Donald Trump, calling him a “token Negro, “circus performer” and “minstrel,” and speculating about the fragility of his mental health.

West, who once infamously said President George W. Bush “doesn’t care about black people,” sported a “Make America Great Again” hat on Thursday as he effusively praised Trump in a meeting ostensibly about prison reform. In nearly 10 minutes of freewheeling remarks, West talked about Trump being a father figure, time not existing, feeling like Superman wearing the red hat, and more in a strange scene….

>>> continue reading: Media Blasts Kanye West For Oval Office Meeting

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: Trump Probably Having Racist Thoughts in Kanye Meeting

CNN’s Chris Cuomo attempted to read President Trump’s mind Thursday, projecting racist thoughts onto Trump during his show.

“My mind went to what is going on in Trump’s head,” Chris Cuomo said about the president’s meeting with Kanye West.

As Real Clear Politics first pointed out, the CNN host then decided to read President Trump’s mind, saying that it was his “educated guess” that Trump was thinking racist thoughts.

“Let’s take a look at him. Here is my educated guess, okay? Other than a warm serotonin flush of happy hormone, imaginary headlines, ‘Blacks love Trump,’ ‘He’s blacker than Obama!’” Cuomo said….

>>> continue reading: CNN’s Chris Cuomo: Trump Probably Having Racist Thoughts in Kanye Meeting

Nets Spend 6 Min Gawking At Kanye With Trump, 27 Sec On Why

Rapper Kanye West and Hall of Fame football star Jim Brown met with President Trump on Thursday to discuss criminal justice reform and to convince him that stop and frisk was a terrible policy. Kayne being Kayne, he stole the spotlight as he told the President, among other things, how much he appreciated him. Of course, during their evening programs, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) put a hyper-focus on Kayne and all but ignored why they were there.

Combined, the broadcast networks spent 5 minutes and 59 seconds on Kanye’s visit to the White House (ABC = 1 minute, 58 seconds; CBS = 2 minutes, 4 seconds; NBC = 1 minute, 57 seconds). But when it came to the policy proposals Kanye and Brown were there to promote, the nets punted with a total of 27 seconds. CBS Evening News had the most with 21 seconds….

>>> continue reading: Nets Spend 6 Min Gawking At Kanye With Trump, 27 Sec On Why

Mental Health Professionals Denounce CNN And Don Lemon’s Show For Mocking And Stigmatizing Kanye West’s Hospitalization

ON MONDAY NIGHT, CNN host Don Lemon led a panel discussion with three CNN commentators as they gleefully heaped scorn on Kanye West for meeting with President Trump to discuss prison reform and for otherwise expressing support for the President (the video is below). Among other things, West was pilloried for being both ignorant and exploited. “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” CNN’s Bakari Sellers said. CNN’s Tara Setmayer pronounced him “the token Negro of the Trump administration.”

While those comments received some attention (only from conservative outlets, needless to say), the laughter-driven attacks on West for his well-publicized medical treatment for mental health issues were largely ignored. But those comments, broadcast in prime-time by CNN on television and then widely disseminated by the network on social media, were not just reprehensible, but genuinely dangerous….

>>> continue reading: Mental Health Professionals Denounce CNN And Don Lemon’s Show For Mocking And Stigmatizing Kanye West’s Hospitalization